Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Newest Addition To My Plant Family!!!

Dilated at 3mm
Dilated at 6mm

Dilated at 7mm

Close up
Okay, so I am a little early.  My lithops isn't completely done "delivering" its baby. Hopefully I didn't jinx myself.  Out of the three different lithops that I bought, only one survived.  I think what I figured out with lithops is that they need very, very little water.  I will not water this one again until the old one is shriveled up and dead.  The "baby" is being nourished by its "mother" and will not need to be watered. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Fresh Veggies!!!

Mohawk peppers and tomatoes
Fresh Spinach
Redskin Peppers
Delicious Cucumber 
Cucumbers and Cherry Tomatoes
Mega Bite and Sweet N Neat Cherry Tomatoes
My partner in crime, Mantis, member of the Furious Five!
For the most part my garden is coming along nicely.  The days of fresh spinach and cilantro are over.  I will definitely be expanding on my herbs and greens next year.  My blackberry bush didn't survive but my raspberry bush is growing nicely.  Hopefully next year I will be able to eat a few raspberries.  My cucumber plant was over taken by aphids.  I didn't realize what was going on till it was almost too late.  I thought the extreme heat was killing it.  It has been over 100 degrees for weeks now.  When I took a closer look, I turned the leaves over and they were covered with aphids.  I made some insecticidal soap to kill them.  Hopefully it will bounce back.  My sister tried to take out my Redskin Hybrid Pepper plant with her bike.  That is why they are green in the picture.  Her bike fell on my plant and broke quite a few branches that had peppers on them.  I made an omelette and put them in it.  I grilled my mohawk peppers and they were very tasty.  Mantis was found on my balcony where I have my succulents and some zinnias.  She tried to come inside, probably because it is cooler, but I shooed her back outside.  Did you know that the female praying mantis eats the male praying mantis after they are done mating?  I am pretty sure Mantis is a female because she was quite large.  My zinnias are getting close to blooming.  I will have to post some pictures when they do bloom.  I have a succulent that is having a baby.  I will post pictures of that too.  When I do, you will definitely think the same thing. That is all I have for now. Until next time, remember to do what makes you happy!