Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My First Harvest!!!

Redskin Hybrid Pepper Plant

peppers, peppers, & more peppers

don't these look delicious

This is my first year trying to grow a pepper plant in a container and so far I am having amazing luck.  This is a picture of my first four peppers from my redskin pepper plant! You may notice that these peppers are not red.  It is because I just could not wait for them to turn red. This variety of pepper plant matures green to red, but you can enjoy them at either color.  These were the four biggest peppers on my plant. They are about three inches long and two inches wide. I will try to wait for the next batch to turn red and post pictures of them.  Now I have to decide on how I want to eat them. Fresh, stuffed, or steamed? 

Bell peppers are rich in vitamin A, C, and B6.  They are also full of fiber and have many other health benefits.  One cup of bell peppers will fill your daily needs for vitamin A and C. According to www.organic.org, bell peppers are among the "dirty dozen."  The "dirty dozen" is a list of the top twelve types of produce that are known to have the highest amount of pesticide residue.  Growing your own peppers allows you to know that what you are eating hasn't been treated by any pesticides.  Another alternative would be to buy organic and support your local farmers by visiting the farmer's market in your area.